May 8, 2024

Data Recovery Files From Unrecognized USB Flash Drive

It is also possible that your USB flash drive is so damaged that it can no longer be recognized by your computer or other Data Recovery computing device. If this is the case, you will have to go through a “clean room” laboratory to be able to recover your folders and files.

The erased Data Recovery will thus be recovered more efficiently. Indeed, with this technique, the USB key will be treated in a room which is perfectly closed and where the air and its components will be mastered. 

In order to be able to support the key and prevent dust particles from damaging the flash memory of the medium, this type of room must be fully protected and comply with the ISO 14644-1 standard.

In other words, for the recovery of files in a space of 1 m², the concentration of particles should not exceed 29,300 units. The latter which must have a maximum dimension of 5 microns per particle. The level of humidity and the temperature in the room will also be controlled.

This kind of data recovery in USB flash drive is requested only by companies. It is an expensive process and concerns particularly sensitive data.

It is also possible that files saved on an entire area of ​​your USB storage memory are lost. This can be due to formatting, but also because your Facebook data system is corrupted or after a virus infection.

In order to recover a file from a deleted partition in your USB drive in this case, you need to quickly download the relevant software which can manage and restore the lost data. The recovery action must be done without delay to avoid permanently losing files deleted by mistake in a partition.